Groups are Highly Effective for Creating Change

Join a well facilitated, small online group experience led by Rebecca Hunter, MSW, an experienced anxiety and panic specialist.

If you're experiencing...

way too much overthinking, anxiety and worry most days. that you can't really control. You may be feeling...

  • restless, on edge or keyed up

  • easily or always tired

  • difficulty with concentration, or a blank mind

  • irritability or tense muscles

  • sleep disturbances

If the endless thinking, replaying and planning is getting in your way, or causing physical symptoms...come join us!

Attend one group or many. Every session is different and tailored to the attendees needs. 


Mindfulness is learning to be in the present moment, on purpose, with a chosen focus

Presence is a skillset in today's busy world. And we all need to learn it.

Learning to be more present can help you to calm down, experience less stress, have better emotional control and feel more at peace. Your mental health will improve. As a therapist, Mindfulness is the #1 skill I recommend to all of my clients and I am excited to invite you to attend my weekly mindfulness group. Once group is full, it will close. Book now! Small groups ONLY!


Want to ask a Question or request a specific group or time?  Just fill out this form- I'd love to hear from you!


50% Complete

Groups are Effective for Creating Change

Register for the next session by filling out your details below. I'll be in touch!